The Integrative Healing Manual

Contents Include:

A. Energy and Spiritual Healing:

1. MATT (Miracle Acupressure Tapping Technique)
1. MATT Version 1 and 2 and 3 along with the Forgiveness Affirmations
2. MMPIT (Multiple Parts Integration Technique)
3. ACT (Acupressure, Chakra Technique)
4. CART (Creating, Allowing and Receiving Technique)
5. TASTE (Tap and Soft Touch Energy Technique)
6. HEART (Healing and Release Technique)
7. LIGHT (Light Imagery Grateful Heart Technique)

B. Positive Psychology:

1. COPERS and BETSI-HI Models of Well-Being
2. 7 Step Re-Empowerment Process
3. 12 Step Creation and Manifestation Process for creating what you want
4. 7 Step Alphabet Model of Change
5. 11 Step Forgiveness Process
6. Exercises for Emotional Stability, Self-Esteem/Self-Confidence, Joyfulness, Sociability and Happiness
7. 30 Daily Lessons to Practice.

C. The Secrets of Wealth, Wisdom and Well-Being:
C) Parts 1 through 5

These processes and exercises can be very useful and beneficial in terms of your health, wealth and well-being for you and your clients. For many of you it will change your life or your clients lives in a very positive way either gradually or dramatically if practiced on a regular basis. The ‘creating and manifesting what you want’ exercise alone will, in many cases, earn you a great deal of money.