Integrative Healing is a creative integration of many theories and techniques in the field of healing. All of the Integrative Healing Techniques I describe on this page are used or have been used by me in my Integrative Psychotherapy practice and many of them are used as well in my Integrative Coaching practice. Click here to see the 5 Efficacy Graphs of Change.

There are 6 ways to use these integrative healing techniques:

  1. Decide on which technique to use with each client based on some theoretical model such as my Integrative Meta-Model.
  2. Decide on which technique to use with each client based on muscle/energy checking.
  3. Decide on which technique to use with each client based on intuition and clinical experience.
  4. Decide on which technique to use with each client by combining/integrating a number of techniques in a creative and fluid way.\
  5. Let the client decide on which technique to use for each problem.
  6. Decide on which technique to use with each client for each problem based on some creative integration of the 5 previous methods.

Brief Explanation

The Integrative Healing Techniques described below are meant to be as descriptive as possible within a 100-110 word range. Following each description, in parenthesis, is first the name of the founder(s)/developer(s) of the technique before the slash and then the colleagues I learned the technique from after the slash. If I learned the technique from all the founder(s)/developer(s) I will often just say “all of them” or “all 3, 4, 5 of them.” I am eternally grateful to all of my colleagues for their contributions to the healing field in general and to my professional career in particular, and my heartfelt blessings go to all of them.

Integrative Healing Techniques

The Healing Techniques are grouped into 5 categories:

  1. Overall Integrative Healing Techniques
  2. Primarily Integrative Power Therapies
  3. Primarily Integrative Energy and Spiritual Meridian Based Therapies
  4. Integrative Energy and Spiritual Chakra and Meridian Based Therapies
  5. Primarily Integrative Energy and Spiritual Based Chakra Therapies

Within each category the healing techniques are grouped in alphabetical order.

Overall Integrative Healing Techniques

Attitudinal Healing (AH) is an approach that focuses on helping people identify and let go of attitudes that create fear and distress. In attitudinal healing clients learn that they can choose love over fear and peace over conflict. They also learn that everyone has the ability to shift their perception and see things differently. In attitudinal healing forgiveness is considered the key to happiness and clients can learn to choose happiness over unhappiness and light over darkness by letting go of grievances and judgments of themselves and others. Clients also learn that they can turn to a higher/inner power/force to help facilitate their healing and growth and that all minds are joined. Attitudinal Healing is based on A Course in Miracles (ACIM) which in itself is a powerful psycho-spiritual course on peace, joy, love, forgiveness and healing.
(G. Jampolsky, M.D, S.Trout, Ph.D, M.Whitehouse, P.Tuttle, T.Carpenter/all 5)

Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) is a simple method designed to resolve emotional problems. First the client detects a problem by self-monitoring and/or muscle testing. Then he/she treats each problem by thinking or verbalizing a self-chosen cue word. The client then treats all angers and unforgiveness toward other people, God, the world, or life. All doubts/distrust about the procedure are treated. Then the client treats for all angers and unforgiveness toward self for having the problems treated during the session. Finally, the client uses a spiritual method to clear up problems in relationship with their Creator/God regarding the judgmental, critical and unforgiving attitudes they had been holding.
(Larry Nims, Ph.D/Larry Nims, Ph.D)

Cognitive Therapy (CT) and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) are systematic methods for eliminating emotional distress (anxiety, depression, hurt, fear, anger, guilt, shame etc.). In CT the dysfunctional, negative thoughts, cognitions or beliefs are identified that trigger the distressing emotions. The client is then helped to discover an alternate set of functional, positive thoughts, cognitions or beliefs that can be used to replace the limiting, dysfunctional beliefs. By substituting new, positive beliefs for limiting beliefs the client learns to change his emotions from distressing to uplifting ones. In CBT the client does the same thing and then engages in constructive action/behaviors.

(A. Beck, M.D; A. Ellis, Ph.D;, D.Meichenbaum, Ph.D; A. Lazarus, Ph.D;/All 4)

Forgiveness Therapy (FT) is a systematic interpersonal, transpersonal, energy and spiritual process for letting go of and healing hurts, anger, resentment, rage, guilt, grievances toward oneself, others and God. First, the client discovers the nature, extent and effects of these negative, distressing emotions. Next he/she makes a conscious choice and decision to forgive. Then the client works toward understanding, compassion and releasing the disturbing feelings and attacking, judgmental thoughts and shifting his/her perceptions and attitudes. Finally, the client often works on discovering the meaning of his/her suffering, the freedom that forgiveness offers and the purpose of life. The client may also choose to give a gift to the other person.
(G. Jampolsky, M.D, R. Enright, Ph.D; T. Carpenter, ACIM/all 4 of these)

Hypnosis (HYP) is a specific method of for reducing emotional distress and pain and for developing new positive attitudes and behavior patterns. Hypnosis consists of 3 main components: deep relaxation leading to an altered state of consciousness; visual imagery and positive suggestions. Clients generally experience mild, moderate or deep states of hypnotic trance while either reexperiencing and changing painful emotional experiences; replacing old limiting attitudes with new, positive constructive ones and learning how to experiment with new, enhancing behavior patterns or habits.
(Many colleagues/C. Hammond, Ph.D; L.Shrier, Ph.D, C. Margolis, Ph.D)

Marriage, Family and Relationship Therapy (MFRT) is an effective approach to reducing emotional distress and enhancing relationship patterns. Usually but not always involving the significant other or other (s) MFRT helps the client(s) change ineffective communication patterns by learning how to (1) stay calm while their significant other is talking, (2) express themselves in a brief, clear, direct non-blaming way, (3) listen compassionately and then feedback back accurately what they heard to validate the others feelings and point of view, and (4) solve problems in mutually beneficial ways. In addition clients learn how to shift their perceptions and to strengthen the key attitudes of patience, compassion, forgiveness and understanding. Emotional blocks/patterns are resolved as well using a variety of techniques.
(M. Bowen, M.D; V.Satir, MSW; I.Nagy, M.D., J. Framo, Ph.D; C. Whitaker, M.D., S.Minuchin, M.D., J. Haley, J. Gottman, Ph.D/all 8 of them)

Multimodal Therapy (MMT) is a systematic method of resolving emotional and interpersonal problems using social learning theory and technical eclecticism. First, the healer conducts a thorough assessment using the BASIC ID process. He discovers which behaviors, affects (emotions), sensations, images, cognitions (thoughts), interpersonal behaviors and drugs (biological concerns) are troubling the client and tracks the clients sequence or firing order of BASIC ID components. He then uses one or more of a wide variety of intervention techniques that have been empirically established to help resolve client’s problems including relaxation, hypnosis, assertiveness, desensitization, cognitive-restructuring, reframing, storytelling, roleplaying and marital and family therapy.
(Arnold Lazarus, Ph.D/Arnold Lazarus, Ph.D)

Sedona Release Technique (SRT) is a method of releasing or letting go of emotional and psychological distress and self-limiting beliefs. In this approach the client first focuses on the distressing feelings/sensations in his/her body and allows them to be there. Then the client asks him/herself a series of questions concerning whether they could consider releasing these distressing feelings/sensations; whether they would be willing to release them and when, especially regarding issues of control, approval and security. In another variation (holistic releasing) the client chooses to allow him/herself to experience both sides of the polarity alternately, concerning the positive and negative feelings/ sensations/thoughts about the problem.
(L. Levinson, H. Dwoskin/D. Elizey, N. Dreyfus, Psy.D, H. Dwoskin-tapes)

Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) is a method of helping clients resolve their emotional and relationship problems by focusing on their strengths, competencies and inner resources. In this approach also called Solution-Oriented Therapy the client and healer first establish a collaborative relationship and set specific, future oriented goals. The client is encourged to discover what has worked in the past that he/she is not currently doing and what is working (solutions) that he/she can do more often The client is asked to try to see things differently and to experiment with doing something differently (new creative solutions) to the problem. Sometimes the client is asked to do the opposite of what he/she has been doing.
(M. Weiner-Davis, MSW; W. O’Hanlon, MSW/ both of them)

Stress Management Therapy (SMT) is a precise method for reducing emotional distress and pain that utilizes behavioral, affective and cognitive interventions such as relaxation training, imagery, yoga, meditation. assertiveness and forgiveness training, and music within a supportive context. Clients are taught relaxation techniques (deep breathing, muscle, collarbone, autogenic, yogic, Jacobsen etc.), imagery exercises, affective self-regulation, desensitization, visual-kinesthetic dissociation, core transformation, solution-oriented approaches, forgiveness exercises and healing techniques with music. They are then encouraged to practice these exercises at home.
(J. Wolpe, M.D.; A. Lazarus, Ph.D; A. Beck, M.D; D. Meichenbaum, Ph.D/all 4)

Primarily Integrative Power Therapies

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a comprehensive power therapy method for treating trauma and anxiety related disorders. EMDR combines imaginal exposure, cognitive restructuring and self-control techniques into specific structured protocols which are modified to meet the unique needs of each person. EMDR treatment also involves having the client focus on an external stimulus such as: a) frequent back and forth eye movements, b) alternating sound, or occasionally, c) hand tapping, while the client is focused on the source of the emotional distress. In addition, cognitive interweaving is often used to further facilitate change.
(Francine Shapiro, Ph.D/Francine Shapiro, Ph.D)

Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is highly systematic, non-judgemental, focused power therapy method for reducing or eliminating the effects of trauma and related negative emotions. In TIR, the client repeatedly reviews a traumatic incident as a “movie”, first going through it silently from beginning to end, then reporting in as much or as little detail what happened, until a point of resolution or “end point” for that incident is achieved. As needed, the client may have to address one or more earlier, similar incidents to achieve an end point.
(Frank Gerbode, M.D.,Gerald French, Ph.D/Ragnhild Malnati, MSW)

Primarily Integrative Energy and Spiritual Meridian Based Therapies

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a derivative of TFT, is a systematic method of treating psychological distress using the energy meridians of the body. First, the client repeats certain affirmations while rubbing gently on a point on the upper chest. (psychological set-up). The client is then asked to think about (or get in touch with) the problem (e.g, anxiety, anger, guilt, phobia, trauma, depression, panic, etc.) Next, for all emotional problems, the client taps several times, using one *specific comprehensive sequence* (master algorithm) on designated acupuncture points on the face, upper torso and hands, while repeating a “verbal reminder phrase” to focus the client on the problem.
(Gary Craig/Gary Craig)

Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods (EDxTM) is a causal diagnostic energetic system for discovering the principal meridian acupoint or cluster of acupoints on the body that can be touched, tapped, rubbed, etc., to treat psychological problems, including limiting core beliefs, emotional distress and energy toxins. It can also be used to enhance peak performance. The process involves manual muscle testing and other diagnostic procedures, as well as elevating the client’s level of understanding to promote change. This healing process also includes installing positive beliefs, creating one’s own reality and certain spiritual and consciousness components. In addition, it involves some energetic processes that are not meridian based.
(Fred Gallo, Ph.D/Fred Gallo, Ph.D)

Healing from the Body Level Up (HBLU) is an energy technique for clearing negative emotional charges and attaining positive goals. Using muscle/energy checking the client defines and reformulates a positive goal, discovers distressing emotions located in the body and one or more limiting, sabotaging beliefs and patterns. Then through muscle/energy checking using a specific decision tree approach the client chooses any one of a number of interventions such as frontal occipital holding, boundary balancing, TAT, TFT, EFT, drawing, reversal conflict tapping etc. to eliminate the emotional distress and the various sabotaging beliefs. Finally the client determines the number of priority learnings.
(Judith Swack, Ph.D/Annette Austin, LCSW; Judith Swack, Ph.D)

Miracle Acupressure Tapping Technique (MATT) is a systematic method of treating psychological distress using the energy meridians of the body. First, the client repeats certain affirmations including “I am entitled to miracles” while rubbing gently on a point on the upper chest (psychological uplifter). The client is then asked to think about the problem (anxiety, anger, guilt, depression, etc.) while tapping on 8 acupoints on the face, neck and chest and then engaging in deep breathing. Then the client engages in a forgiveness procedure (self/others) while tapping on 2 points under the arms. Finally the client taps on the center of the chest while engaging in forgiveness, healing and peaceful affirmations.
(Philip Friedman, Ph.D)

Negative Affect Erasing Method (NAEM) is a method of treating psychological distress using specific points on the body. First, the client repeats specific affirmations while rubbing a point on the upper chest. The client then thinks about the problem (e.g., anxiety, trauma, depression, panic, addictive urge, etc.) while using a 4-point tapping sequence on 3 areas of the face and one area in the chest. Generally the client also is asked to hum a tune, count out loud, move their eyes in various directions and do the floor to ceiling eye roll or elaborated eye roll. Finally the client installs positive beliefs to solidify the therapeutic.results.
(Fred Gallo, Ph.D/Fred Gallo, Ph.D)

Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) is a method for discovering and removing blocks in the energy system that have created dysfunctional neurophysiological patterns and emotional distress. The healer first assesses the meridian energy system of the client’s body through muscle/energy checking and finds out which meridian(s) are imbalanced. He then discovers through energetic diagnosis and muscle/energy checking which life theme this blockage is connected to, when it has first occurred in time and with whom the client has been interacting with in life. Then the healer corrects this imbalance/blockage through a neurophysiological intervention which alleviates emotional distress and often physical discomfort and pain.
(Scott Walker, DC/Scott Walker, DC)

Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) is a systematic technique for reducing traumatic and emotional distress. In TAT the client puts his/her attention on the emotional distress/trauma. Then using 3 fingers with one hand the client applies very gentle pressure to 3 acupressure points near the eyes and the forehead while placing the other hand on the back of the head (acupressure “pose”) Subsequent steps include making a positive statement about the problem, asking about the origins of the problem, asking about where the problem is stored in one’s body or life, forgiving oneself and others and thanking God/universe for healing the problem.
(Tapas Fleming, Lic.Ac./Tapas Fleming, Lic. Ac.)

Tap And Soft Touch Energy Technique (TASTE) is a systematic method of treating psychological distress using the energy meridians of the body. First, the client is asked to rub gently on a location on the upper chest (psychological uplifter). The client is then asked to think about the problem (anxiety, anger, guilt, depression, etc.) while first tapping on 8 acupoints on the face, neck and chest and then touching/holding each point while taking some deep breaths. During both processes he/she says certain healing affirmations. Some times the client hums a tune, counts out loud and moves their eyes while touching/holding/tapping one acupoint or engages in a tapping and comprehensive forgiveness and choice procedure.
(Philip Friedman, Ph.D)

Thought Energy Synchronization Technique (TEST ) is a systematic method of treating psychological distress subsequent to diagnosing the energy meridians of the body. First the healer assesses disruptions in the energy systems (meridians) using muscle/energy checking or Intentional Thought activation and Self attunement. The client is then asked to think about the problem (e.g, anxiety, anger, guilt, trauma, depression, etc.) and then tap several times using *different precise diagnosed sequences* on specific acupuncture points at various places on the body. Usually the client is also asked to hum a tune, count out loud, move their eyes in various directions and sometimes to repeat certain affirmations while tapping and thinking about the distressing emotion.
(Greg Nicosia, Ph.D/Greg Nicosia, Ph.D)

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a systematic method of treating psychological distress using the energy meridians of the body. First the client rubs gently on a point on the upper chest. The client is asked to think about (or get in touch with) the problem (e.g, anxiety, anger, guilt, phobia, trauma, depression, panic, etc.) and then tap several times using *different precise sequences* (algorithms) on specific acupoints at various places on the body. Usually the client is also asked to hum a tune, count out loud, move their eyes in various directions and sometimes to repeat certain affirmations while tapping and thinking about the distressing emotion.
(R. Callahan, Ph.D/F. Gallo, Ph.D, S. Connolly, MSW, R. Callahan, Ph.D)

Touch And Breathe (TAB) is used for the treatment of psychological distress using the energy meridians of the body. The client is asked to think about (or get in touch with) the problem (e.g., traumatic event, memory, feeling, behavior, etc.) and then lightly touch and hold specific acupoints at various places on the body while taking one complete respiration (breath). Sometimes the client is also asked to rub gently on a location on the upper chest, and at other times hum a tune, count out loud, move their eyes in various directions and to repeat certain affirmations while touching/holding one acupoint and thinking about the problem.
(John Diepold, Ph.D/John Diepold, Ph.D-video/article)

Spiritual Kinesiology (SK) is an energy/spiritual technique designed to eliminate distress and help connect clients to their soul. Using muscle/energy checking the client first discovers areas of emotional, mental and/or spiritual blockage and limiting beliefs/patterns. The client touches 2 places on his/her arm to establish a negative and positive anchor. Then using the visual imagery of light, the client collapses the anchors, and releases/removes the emotional distress. In this approach clients progress through 7 spiritual activations and sometimes use various checklists. During these processes the client frequently receives information regarding higher wisdom, which then helps them connect with their divine purpose.
(Phillip and Jane Mountrose/Phillip and Jane Mountrose-video/book)


Integrative Energy and Spiritual Chakra and Meridian Based Therapies

Acupressure Chakra Technique (ACT), is a systematic energy and spiritual/transpersonal technique for reducing psychological and emotional distress. First, the client puts his/her attention on the emotional distress/trauma. Then the client puts one hand on his/her heart and one hand on one of 6 other areas of their body (near a chakra) such as the solar plexus/stomach area. The client then engages in 7 other steps with their hands placed on the heart and one or another body area while repeating a series of affirmations and statements of gratitude designed to heal not only the origins and location of the problem but also any unforgiveness/grievances involving the problem toward oneself or others.
(Philip Friedman, Ph.D)

Holographic Repatterning (HR), is a systematic method of transforming incoherent energy patterns into coherent energy patterns using muscle checking, First, the client discovers whether he/she is ready to benefit from this self-healing process and release limiting patterns/distress. Then the client clarifies the problem, his/her motivation, areas of stress and the hidden gift in the problem. Next a positive intention and commitment is established and any one of many limiting emotional, cognitive or behavioral patterns are discovered. Then one or more of many possible self-healing modalities are chosen and implemented. Finally a positive action is selected if muscle checking indicates it would be beneficial and contribute to healing.
(Chloe Wordsworth/Chloe Wordsworth, Michelle Bongiorno, Toby Milne, MSW)


Primarily Integrative Energy and Spiritual Based Chakra Therapies

Advanced Energy Healing (AEH), is a systematic method for assessing the energy disruptions in the 7 major energy fields (chakras) around the physical body that trigger emotional distress/disease. First the healer, contacts his/her heart center and closes his/her eyes while connecting with a higher/inner Source. Then the healer assesses the 7 different energy/spiritual centers (chakras) by moving his/her hand down the body (even at a distance from the client) and sensing disturbances in the energy flow of the client. In this system energy disruptions have different meanings depending on where they are located so the healer is often able to diagnose the problem/distress and then facilitate specific healing interventions.
(Meredith Young-Sowers/Meredith Young-Sowers)

Creating And Receiving Technique (CART), is a specific energy empowerment process for resolving emotional, psychological and spiritual problems. First, the client engages in a gentle breathing technique while placing his/her hands on the chest and solar plexus (near 2 energy chakras). Next, with his/her hands still on the chest and solar plexus area (chakra energy centers) and eyes closed, the client repeats a series of affirmations that releases the past, affirms the present, acknowledges their true Self and re-empowers them. Then, the client makes 10 fundamental choices concerning their health, happiness, peace, freedom, forgiveness and their lives and visualizes creating, allowing and receiving what they want to happen in their lives.
(Philip Friedman, Ph.D)

Healing And Release Technique (HEART), is an energy and spiritual/ transpersonal technique designed to alleviate emotional distress and help connect clients to their heart. The client first discovers areas of emotional, mental and/or spiritual barriers and limiting beliefs/patterns. The client then touches/holds 2 places on his/her heart and solar plexus (energy chakra areas) which establishes a positive and negative cue. Then using the visual imagery of light, a garbage can and a balloon, the client dissolves the negative cue and releases/removes the emotional distress. The client then visualizes the light coming down through his/her head and entering and circulating in the heart and later the body as a source of love, compassion, wisdom and infinite intelligence that generates healing and peace. Another version uses light imagery in the heart to heal relationships.
(Philip Friedman, Ph.D)

Light Imagery Grateful Heart Technique (LIGHT), is an energy and spiritual/transpersonal technique designed to focus on positive psychological strengths, resources, assets, beliefs/attitudes and perceptions that facilitate healing and growth. As an extension/expansion of the HEART technique the healer guides clients into bringing the imagery of light into his/her heart while placing one or both hands on the heart area (chakra). Then the healer asks the client to experience all the things, people, events and circumstances in his/her life, past and present that the client is grateful for and/or feels blessed by. The client is then encouraged to focus on these experiences on a regular basis, since what you focus on expands.
(Philip Friedman, Ph.D)

Pranic Healing (PH) is a comprehensive system designed to cleanse and energize the energy body around the physical body. First the healer scans the energy field of the client by placing his/her hands back and forth at various distances from the physical body while sensing heat, tingling sensations and pressure. Then by cupping his/her hands or keeping his/her fingers open, the healer sweeps the energy field either generally or locally to cleanse it, which serves to seal and distribute energy. Finally the healer draws in energy with one hand and directs energy with the other hand into the disturbed parts of the body of the client.
(Choa Kok Sui/Navin Sharma, Choa Kok Sui)

Reiki (RKI) is a method of hands on energy healing conducted by someone who is initiated to transmit universal life force energy. The healer places his/her hands in different positions on or near various energy centers in the client’s body and holds them there. The healer can often detect energy blockages that are believed to generate emotional distress and physical/health imbalances. The healer quietly holds his/her hands on or near different parts of the clients body to rebalance the energy disruptions/blockages in and around the client’s body. Advanced Reiki methods allow the healer to detect and transmit energy at a distance.
(M. Usui, H. Takata/E. Sokolow-Molinari, S. Shay, G. Carroll, M. Warner)

Seemorg Matrix Work (SMW) is a transpersonal and energy method of treating psychological distress using the energy centers of the body. First the client engages in muscle checking to discover and clear basic positive and negative belief patterns while their hands are resting on certain parts of their body. Then using muscle checking the client learns to detect and clear dysfunctional belief patterns and distressing/traumatic emotions while their hands rest on specific parts of their body (near chakra energy centers). In the process the client replaces negative, limiting beliefs and emotional patterns and qualities with positive beliefs, emotions and qualities. Various meditations are also often used during this healing procedure.
(Nahoma Clinton, LCSW, Ph.D/Nahoma Clinton, LCSW, Ph.D)

Copyright © 2001 Philip H. Friedman PhD. All right reserved.

Click here to see a Diagram of the Integrative Meta-Model

Efficacy Graphs of Change
The graphs below show the typical changes that occur in clients’ level of well being over a 13-14 week period of time during Integrative Psychotherapy using these Healing Techniques and using the Friedman Scales and related assessment scales to measure these changes:

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