Friedman Well-Being Scale

Copyright 1992 by Philip H. Friedman, Ph.D.

The Friedman Well-Being Scale consists of 20 bi-polar adjectives. It can be scored for an overall measure of well-being, the Friedman Well-Being Composite, and for 5 subscales: emotional stability; self-esteem/self-confidence; joviality; sociability and happiness. Since it consists of bi-polar opposites the scale actually measures both directions, i.e. emotional stability-instability and happiness-unhappiness. Norms exist for a clinical, college and community population. The Friedman Well-Being Scale is easy to administer, score and interpret. It can easily be used to track changes over time in a clinical or research context in addition to its use as a powerful, clinical tool for change. (Click here to see a graph of the typical changes that occur in client’s level of well being over a 14 week period of time using the Friedman Well-Being Scale to measure these changes.)

Reliability data

The Friedman Well-Being Scale has an average cronbach alpha reliability score of .94 over a number of studies. The test-retest reliability is .85 at 3 weeks, .81 at 5 weeks, .81 at 10 weeks and .81 at 13 weeks for a clinical population and .73 at 4 weeks for a college population.

Validity data

The external or convergent validity correlation, i.e the correlation among the ratings of husbands and wives or couples living together filling out the scale on one person, is .62. The Friedman Well-Being Scale also correlates substantially in the expected direction with over 100 clinical, personality, attitudinal, stress (including depression & anxiety), relational, marital and interpersonal scales and subscales.

Key references

The Professional Research Manual summarizes the results of many studies using the Friedman Belief Scale.


The “Permission Set” includes the comprehensive Professional Manual plus 25 copies of the Scale. It also allows you to duplicate an unlimited number of copies of the Scale.

NOTE: The three Friedman Assessment Scales require a “License to Use Agreement” — a simple 4 point understanding. Please read the following statements and check all four boxes underneath the statements, indicating that you agree to this agreement:

1. I agree to leave the copyright notice on the Friedman Assessment Scale(s).

2. I agree not to make any changes to the Friedman Assessment Scale(s).

3. I agree to use the Friedman Assessment Scale(s) in paper and pencil form and not create any electronic versions of the scale(s) without Dr. Friedman’s express permission.

4. I agree to use the Friedman Assessment Scale(s) thoughtfully and responsibly, always with regard to my clients’ well-being.