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Sharing Inner Strength
RC Meditation
(Spring, 2002: 6/17/02)

© 2002 by The Reluctant Channel and Pati Beaudoin, all rights reserved. This meditation may be copied and distributed provided the copyright information is included.

As you close your eyes, feel the sensation of your eyes closing. What does this feel like? Does it feel good? Are your eyelids completely relaxed, or do you squint a little? Do your eyes feel heavy or light? What do you see with your eyes closed? Do you see total darkness or do you see traces of light? Imagine a finger lightly caressing your closed eyelids. Feel this now. Is this something you like or dislike? It is important to be in touch with what feels good, what feels neutral, and what does not feel good at all. It is only when we know this, are accepting of this, that will we be able to seek what we enjoy and avoid what does not feel good. It is also important to know and understand that the body and spirit can endure much grief, pain, isolation and torture. We can survive that which we find unimaginable. People, animals, insects, trees, plants and the planet earth continue to thrive against all odds. We have all experienced an event in our lives that we thought was difficult. It might have been illness, it might have been abuse, it might have been a natural disaster, it might have been a terrorist act, it might have been being lost and scared.

Remember an event like this from your own life now. Realize that as you are remembering the event, your column of light continues to shine above you and around you. Get in touch with the inner strength that you possessed that helped you get through the difficult experience. You might feel the strength more intensely if you straighten your spine or make some other adjustment that makes you feel strong. Hold onto this feeling of inner strength and imagine that you can share this feeling with all the inhabitants of the planet. Share this feeling now. You may share it by opening up your arms and hugging the planet, or you may share it by breathing it out, or you may share it strongly focusing on the intent to share. It does not matter how you share it. Please share it now.

As you finish sharing your inner strength, remember that you are in the present, and are no longer experiencing the difficult event. Take a deep breath in and out. Do it again. In your mind, give yourself a hug. Select a color which is pleasing for you to look at. As long as the color pleases you, it does not matter which color you select. Picture this color as a small dot. Focus on this dot. Watch how the dot grows and grows. Now select another pleasing color. Picture this color as a small dot sitting next to your original color. See this second colored dot grow and grow. Now look at the two dots together. Are they mixing to create a new color? Are they barely touching each other? Does one color overtake the other? Do you like the way the colors or new color looks? Is it appealing, or do you want to start over again with new dots and new colors? If you want, take a moment to create a new appealing color or colors. If you like your color or colors, focus on the pleasant sensation of seeing the color or colors.

Now imagine a ribbon made of this appealing color or colors. Take this ribbon and loosely wrap yourself with it, so that your hands are free to move. Now think of someone special in your life. Someone who makes you feel good, supported, nourished, and loved. This someone may be a person you know, a pet, or it could be an image of someone you wish existed in your life. Wrap the ribbon around this individual. Now wrap your ribbon around all the light workers that are sitting next to you. Know that they are wrapping you with their ribbons and as a result, the room looks like a rainbow of ribbons. Picture this now. You carefully unwrap the ribbons, take the rainbow of ribbons, and circle the planet with this rainbow of ribbons. Let us do this now. Look above you at your column of light and see how it shines around the planet and your rainbow of ribbons. The earth is glowing with appealing colors that are shining through the beam of light. The combination of the colors and the light create a healing energy field throughout the planet. This healing energy is being felt by all that need it. We will focus on some of the individuals who at this very moment can benefit from this healing energy.

Our first individual is a young man in a cold and stark jail cell. He has been thrown in jail without reason. He is innocent and does not have the knowledge of how to present himself and how to express his innocence. He does not have any hope and therefore does not proclaim his innocence. The people in his community do not want to hear his innocence. Their hearts are closed, and therefore they cannot hear or see the truth. There is another young man who is guilty of the crime who is free. He does not intend to admit his guilt and in fact is currently planning his next crime. See the innocent man in jail, the community who refuses to listen to the truth, and the guilty man who is planning his next crime. See them now. Know that at this very moment, the healing energy from the beam of light and colorful ribbons are shining on the community, and both the innocent and guilty men. Because of the ribbons and light, the inmate will find the strength, wisdom, and hope he needs to proclaim his innocence. Because of the ribbons and light, the community will find the compassion, openness and wisdom to hear the truth of his innocence. Because of the ribbons and light, the guilty man will find the inner strength to admit his guilt. See the ribbons and light now.

Let us now move onto to another image. Take a deep breath in and out. In this next image, you see a storage area for a slaughterhouse. In this storage area, animals live and wait until it is determined that they are ready to be slaughtered. It does not matter which animals you imagine. Perhaps they are horses, perhaps they are pigs, perhaps chickens or cows. Perhaps you imagine them all. Their living conditions are extremely cramped. They can barely move. They are scared. They are kept outdoors without shelter and must endure the hot painful sun and the torrential rainstorms. The community supports the slaughterhouse by buying and eating the meat. The community has closed its ears to the wails of the animals and refuses to acknowledge the cruelty that is done to the animals. Know that at this very moment, the healing energy from the beam of light and colorful ribbons is shining on the community, and on the animals. Because of the ribbons and light, the animals will find the strength and hope they need to endure their fate. Because of the ribbons and light, the community will find the compassion, openness and wisdom to hear the animal wails. Because of the ribbons and light, the community will explore other ways of partnering with animals to strive for the common good of all the inhabitants of our planet. See the ribbons and light now.

Take a deep breath in and out. Do this again, a deep breath in and out. We are now ready for our next image. Select a country where you see people reading newspapers, listening to radios, and watching television. They are obtaining information from a speech provided by the leader of that country. It does not matter which country you select. Select the country now. The information that they people are receiving is not accurate. It is not truth. The information is clouded by distortions, exaggerations and untruths. However, the people do not question. They are afraid to question. They see what they want to see, they hear what they want to hear, and they believe what they want to believe. The government officials provide the media, with the type of information that the people want to see, hear, and believe. The media does not analyze, rebut, or question the information. The community discourages anyone from questioning. Imagine all of this now. Know that at this very moment, the healing energy from the beam of light and colorful ribbons is shining on the leader, the media, and the community. Because of the ribbons and light, the community will find the strength, wisdom and hope necessary to see through the distortions, exaggerations and untruths. Because of the ribbons and light, the community will find the inner strength necessary to question. Because of the ribbons and light, the media will find the strength and wisdom necessary to analyze, rebut and question the information. Because of the ribbons and light, the leader will not cloud the information with distortions, exaggerations and untruths. See the ribbons and light now.

Take a deep breath in and out. Do this again. A deep breath in and out. We have been focusing on the effect of the ribbons and light to individuals on land . However, there are others who need our help. There are many passengers, pilots and flight attendants who are flying on airplanes at this very moment. Many are scared. They are scared of plane crashes, of severe turbulence, of hijackings, of planes being forced to crash into buildings. Picture these passengers now and try to feel their fear. Do this now. Know that at this very moment, the healing energy from the beam of light and colorful ribbons is shining on the passengers, on the pilots and on the flight attendants. Because of the ribbons and light, the passengers will feel less fearful. Because of the ribbons and light, the pilots and flight attendants will feel able to handle effectively any problem which may occur. They will be able to avert plane crashes, fly the plane through severe turbulence, calm passengers who may wish to harm others. Because of the ribbons and light, any passenger who had intended to harm others on the flight, will find the compassion to not cause harm, and will be full of hope that there are other ways to express their fury and resentment at the world. See the ribbons and light now.

Take a deep breath in and out. Do this again. In many countries, there are plans to set off destructive missiles. These missiles, if set off, will cause massive destruction to buildings and kill many individuals and severely maim others. Know that at this very moment, the healing energy from the beam of light and colorful ribbons is shining on the missiles. The healing energy changes the destructive energy into productive energy. If the missiles are set off, they will emit positive healing energy throughout the world. See this now. Also, know at this very moment, the healing energy from the beam of light and colorful ribbons is shining on the individuals who make the decisions as to whether to set off the missiles. Because of the ribbons and light, these decision makers will focus on peaceful efforts to attain their needs. Their messages will be of hope, peace, and justice. See the ribbons and light now.

Take a deep breath in and out. Do this again. Think of the various bodies of water on our planet. We have ponds, lakes, seas, rivers and oceans. Think of the various inhabitants who call water their home- ducks, dolphins, sea otters, sharks, plankton, starfish, jellyfish and others. Many of the inhabitants are ill and or dying. There is too much pollution in our waters, from jet skis, motorboats, fuel spills, litter and other sources. The pollution is caused by people who are enjoying the water. See them now. They are with their families and friends, enjoying a glorious summer day. They are not thinking about the fact that the water belongs to the residents who call the water their home. The people who are enjoying their day do not think about the fact that their fun is causing other living beings to suffer. They do not hear the cries that emanate from the water. Realize that at this very moment the light and ribbons are going through the bodies of water throughout the earth. The healing energy of the light and ribbons is going through all the ponds, lakes, seas, rivers and oceans of the planet. See this now. Know that at this very moment, the healing energy from the beam of light and colorful ribbons is shining on all of the inhabitants of the different bodies of water. The beam of light and colorful ribbons are also shining on all the people who seek enjoyment from the bodies of water. Because of the ribbons and light, the people who seek the enjoyment will find the compassion, openness and wisdom to hear the cries, and to acknowledge the impact of their actions on the homes and lives of the inhabitants of the waters. Because of the ribbons and light, the people will realize that we can share the water without hurting each other. See the ribbons and light now.

Take a deep breath in and out. Do this again. Our final destination takes us to the crevices of the earth. For this task earthworms will help us. These earthworms are strategically placed at various parts of the world. If earthworms make you uncomfortable, that is okay. We will not be touching the earthworms. If you prefer, you can listen to my voice and not actually imagine the earthworms. Remember, it is always important to keep in mind what makes you comfortable and what makes you uncomfortable. If earthworms make you uncomfortable, you can sit, listen to my voice and focus on your breathing. Your intent to heal the planet will shine through whether you think of the earthworms or not. Those of you who can comfortably imagine the earthworms, do it now. Realize that there are many earthworms strategically placed in various parts of the world. You do not need to see them all and we will only focus on one earthworm at a time. However, it is important to realize that although we will only be focusing on one earthworm at a time, in reality, there are many earthworms throughout the planet. If you are comfortable, see your earthworm now. While you are seeing your earthworm, realize that the earthworm is wrapped with the ribbons and light. See this now. The earthworm is traveling throughout the planet, by creating underground tunnels. The earthworm is going to transmit our light and ribbons underground throughout the planet. The earthworm will be helped by other earthworms. When this particular earthworm gets tired, another earthworm approaches the first earthworm and automatically becomes wrapped in the light and ribbons.

This second earthworm continues the journey until tired and then a third one takes over. This process happens over and over again, and happens simultaneously in many parts of the world. As a result, the entire underground of the earth shines with light and colorful ribbons. As a result of the light and ribbons, the earth is bathed with healing energy. The energy is full of compassion, justice, wisdom, love, hope, and peace. Feel the warmth of the energy that emanates from the ground. Feel this now. As you are imagining the warmth, realize that you are beginning to feel drops fall on you from above. You look above you and see that the skies are full of ribbons of light and color. The drops that you are feeling are coming from the light and ribbons and the drops that you feel are full of compassion, hope, relaxation, and peace. The ribbons of light and color flow from the clouds and go down to the depths of the bodies of waters, and deep into the crevices of the earth. As a result, the entire planet is being bathed in the healing energies of the light and ribbons. Sense this now. Notice how good it feels. Get in touch with the feelings of compassion, of hope, of relaxation, of peace. Let yourself be completely bathed with these feelings. Feel them down to your inner core. Imagine every cell of your body being bathed with compassion, hope, relaxation and peace. Imagine every organ of your body being bathed with compassion, hope, relaxation and peace. Feel the compassion, hope, relaxation and peace as it covers your head, your hands, and your toes. Feel how your blood transports the compassion, hope, relaxation, and peace through every single part of your body. Feel the compassion, hope, relaxation, and peace in your mouth, on your tongue, in your throat. Now feel the compassion, hope, relaxation, and peace focus on any part or parts of your body which either now, or in the past has ached, or itched, or been uncomfortable in any way. Bathe yourself with this positive and warm energy and know that the next time you feel the discomfort, you will have the inner strength to endure it. Do this now. When you are finished, bathe your entire body one last time with the compassion, hope, relaxation, and peace and then open your eyes.

(c) Copyright 2002, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to share this information with others as long as it is shared in its entirety and the copyright information is included.

This healing meditation can be found on Philip Friedman, Ph.D's website on "Integrative Healing" at
http://www.integrativehelp.com or directly at:




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