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Healing with the Senses
RC Meditation
(Spring, 2002: 04/08/02)

by the Reluctant Channel and Pati Beaudoin
Copyright 2002, all rights reserved

Close your eyes and know that everyone around you is doing the same. We are all here for the same purpose, and that purpose is to help heal the planet and the universe. There is much healing to be done, but together we can make a difference. We are going to imagine ourselves floating through the universe. When we do this, we will feel weightless. Some of us may float on our stomachs, some of us may float on our backs, others of us may float on our sides. Some of us may even change and float on our stomachs, and then our backs, and then our sides. It does not matter how we float, except that we want to try to get in touch with the feeling of weightlessness. We do not need to worry about falling while we float. The universe will keep us afloat during our journey. The light that constantly shines above and around us will also be our companions and will make sure that nothing harms us.
Let us begin floating now. Imagine yourself lying down and gently being lifted to the heavens. It is dark all around you and you see stars, planets, and moons. The temperature is just right. Feel yourself floating now. Feel your weightlessness. If you cannot feel this, that is okay. All you need to do is know that you are weightless while floating around the universe. You are like a free spirit. You are not bogged down by earthly problems. It feels good to be this weightless. It is very relaxing to see the stars, the moons, and the planets. You continue to float around and focus on how good, comfortable, and weightless you are. Now take a deep breath and inhale this good feeling. Wrap your arms around yourself so that you can hold on to this good feeling. You will be sharing it soon with the peoples of the earth.
You notice that you are gently being brought back to earth. You land in a cushion of green leaves in the middle of a field of wild grass and flowers. You take a moment to enjoy the colors and fragrances of the flora around you. You take a deep breath and inhale this good experience. Wrap your arms around yourself so that you can hold on to this wonderful visual and olfactory sensation. You will be sharing this soon with the peoples of the earth.

You decide to get up and walk through the field towards a pond. As you approach the pond, you decide to enter it. You can go into it with your clothes or without your clothes, it does not matter. It also does not matter how deeply you go into the water. However, you should at least get your toes wet. Go into the water now. Feel how healing the water is. The temperature is perfect -- neither too hot nor too cold. The surface under your feet is smooth and strong. The water feels clear and clean. By being in the water, you know that anything that you need to be healed is being healed now while you are in it. Take a deep breath and inhale this good healing feeling. Wrap your arms around yourself so that you can hold on to this good healing feeling. You will be sharing it soon with the peoples of the earth.
You leave the pond and as you leave, the air around you immediately dries you. You are very comfortable and continue on your journey. As you walk, you notice a hut. You approach the hut, and notice that the door is open. You look in and see that there is only one room and against one of the walls, there is a table with different types of materials. On the wall next to the table, there is a sign that says "Please touch the materials." You walk into the hut, and look at the materials on the table. You notice that there are all kinds of materials such as satin, velvet, cashmere. Look at these materials now. Touch them. Feel how good they feel. If you cannot feel how good they feel, that is okay. Knowing that they feel good is enough. Take a moment to see and feel the materials to the best of your ability. Do this now. Let us take a deep breath and inhale these good tactile feelings. Wrap your arms around yourself so that you can hold on to these good tactile feelings. You will be sharing it soon with the peoples of the earth.

You now turn around and leave the hut. You keep on walking until you see and approach a structure that has a few rooms. The door to this structure is open and there is a big welcome sign beckoning you inside. When you go inside, you notice that in these rooms there are different people singing and playing instruments. They all have beautiful voices and are playing soothing instruments. Stay with them for awhile and hear the beautiful notes that come from the voices and the instruments. If you cannot hear them, that is okay; knowing that the voices and instruments are pleasant to listen to is enough. Take a deep breath and inhale these pleasant sounds. Wrap your arms around yourself so that you can hold on to these pleasant sounds. You will be sharing it soon with the peoples of the earth.
You are now ready to leave this structure. As you walk out, you notice another structure close by. You walk towards it and notice that the door is open with a big welcome sign beckoning you inside. You go inside and notice a table with all of your favorite tasting foods and drinks. On a wall next to the table, you notice a sign that invites you to eat and drink as much as you want. You notice a chair next to the table. The chair fits you perfectly and you are very comfortable. It is the way you like chairs to feel. You take a moment to feel how comfortable you are, and then begin to eat and drink. Feel how tasty the food and drink feel in your mouth. Feel this now. Take a deep breath and inhale these good tastes. Wrap your arms around yourself so that you can hold on to these good tastes. You will be sharing it soon with the peoples of the earth.

You are ready to leave. You walk back towards the pile of leaves in the field of wild grass and flowers. You sit on the pile of leaves and think about all that which you have experienced. You are grateful to the universe for giving you the luxury of feeling weightless, of seeing and smelling the wild grass and flowers, of feeling healed by water, of feeling different comforting materials, of hearing beautiful voices and instruments, and of tasting delicious food and drink. You know that the time has come for you to share all of these gifts with others who are not as fortunate as you. You will be sharing these gifts by breathing them out. When you will be breathing out your gifts, each individual that we visit will automatically receive what he or she needs to receive.

Let us take 3 deep breaths to help us prepare us for the next leg of the journey, for our visits to the less fortunate. Let us take our first deep breath in and out. Do it now. Let us take our second deep breath in and out. Do it now. Let us take our third deep breath in and out. Do it now. Now wrap your arms around you and know that you are being hugged and supported by all that love and support you. Feel this now. Now look above you at your column of light, know that it is still with you, and will be with you throughout your journey. Also, know that your column of light is closely connected to all the other columns of light of everyone else who is meditating along with you. Together, the column of light is strong and vibrant. See this light now. We will stay on our pile of leaves as we do this next part of the meditation. We will not travel anywhere; instead we will conjure up the images of our visits in our minds while we are on the pile of leaves. While we do this, you can be sitting, lying, or standing. It does not matter. However, it is important to stay on the pile of leaves while doing this. You can also change your position while you are on the pile of leaves at any point during this part of the meditation. The key is to feel comfortable.

Okay, we are now ready to begin. Our first healing task is to imagine one or more individuals who are heavily burdened either physically and/or emotionally. For example, at this very moment, there are individuals who are being forced to walk across a scorching hot desert while wearing shackles on their legs. Others are not physically burdened, but are weighed down because of emotions. At this very moment, they are experiencing huge waves of grief, of anxiety, or of terror. These emotions make it very difficult for them to want to keep on living. Other individuals are burdened by both physical and emotional shackles. It is our task to imagine one or more of any of these individuals. Do this now. Some of us may imagine their horrific feelings, others of us may see a picture in our mind, and others of us may think about the fact that these individuals are going through this awful time right now. All of us are doing what we are best able to do, and that is why as a team we are very strong. Now recall the weightlessness that you felt while floating in the universe. Feel it now. Take a deep breath in and breathe out the feeling of weightlessness. As you do this, the individuals who are burdened are receiving the gift of weightlessness. Notice their smiles as you are bestowing your gift of weightlessness. Let us do it again. Take a deep breath in and breathe out the feeling of weightlessness. As you do this, the individuals who are burdened are receiving the gift of weightlessness. Notice their smiles as you are bestowing your weightless gift. Let us do one last time. Take a deep breath in and breathe out the feeling of weightlessness. As you do this, the individuals who are burdened are receiving the gift of weightlessness. Notice their smiles as you are bestowing your weightless gift. Feel their gratitude. The image of these people is now fading away. You focus again on your pile of leaves and you look above you at your column of light. Feel its strength and vibrancy. Know that it is your companion.

Our next healing task is to imagine one or more individuals who live in a drab and smelly surrounding. Right at this very moment, there are individuals who are surrounded only by the color of gray, and by the smells of human waste and body odor. Imagine this now. If you cannot imagine this, it is enough to know and think about it. Now recall the wild grass and flowers. Remember how colorful they appeared. Remember how good they smell. Take a deep breath in and breathe out these beautiful colors and smells. As you do this, the individuals who are surrounded by drab and bad smells are receiving your gift of beautiful colors and smells. Notice their smiles as you are giving them your gift. Let us do it again. Take a deep breath in and breathe out these beautiful colors and smells. As you do this, the individuals who are surrounded by drab and bad smells are receiving your gift of beautiful colors and smells. Notice their smiles as you are giving them your gift. Let us do it one more time. Take a deep breath in and breathe out these beautiful colors and smells. As you do this, the individuals who are surrounded by drab and bad smells are receiving your gift of beautiful colors and smells. Notice their smiles as you are giving them your gift. Feel their gratitude. The image of these people is now fading away. You focus again on your pile of leaves and you look above you at your column of light. Feel its strength and vibrancy. Know that it is your companion.

Our next healing task is to imagine one or more individuals who are experiencing illnesses that are very painful. These individuals have no medical care. Right at this very moment, people have blistering lesions all over their body, others have gaping open wounds, others have deep and relentless hacking coughs, and others are suffering from major burns throughout their bodies. If you cannot imagine this, that is okay. Knowing that this is a reality for many people is enough. Now recall the comforting and soothing healing waters from the pond that you went to. Remember how good it felt. Feel it now. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of this healing feeling. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the illnesses are receiving the gift of healing. Notice the relief on their faces as you are bestowing your healing gift. Let us do it again. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of this healing feeling. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the illnesses are receiving the gift of healing. Notice the relief on their faces as you are bestowing your healing gift. Let us do it one more time. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of this healing feeling. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the illnesses are receiving the gift of healing. Notice the relief on their faces as you are bestowing your healing gift. Feel their gratitude.The image of these people is now fading away. You focus again on your pile of leaves and you look above you at your column of light. Feel its strength and vibrancy. Know that it is your companion.

Our next healing task is to imagine individuals who are being tortured. Right at this very moment, individuals are being forced to touch painful objects, such as the fire at the end of a torch, a very pointed end of a knife. Others are being forced to rub their hands against very rough sandpaper. If you cannot imagine this, that is okay. Knowing that this is a reality for many people is enough. Now remember the table with the materials that felt good to touch -- the satin, the velvet, the cashmere. Remember how good it felt to touch these materials. Feel this good feeling now. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of this good tactile feeling. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the torture are receiving the gift of the good tactile feeling. Notice their relief as you are bestowing your gift. Let us do it again. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of this the good tactile feeling. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the torture are receiving the good tactile feeling. Notice their relief as you are bestowing your gift. Let us do it one more time. Take a deep breath and breathe out your gift. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the torture are receiving your gift. Notice their relief. Feel their gratitude.
The image of these people is now fading away. You focus again on your pile of leaves and you look above you at your column of light. Feel its strength and vibrancy. Know that it is your companion.

Our next healing task is to imagine individuals who for every living moment, experience noise pollution. Right at this very moment, individuals live in areas where there is nonstop traffic, nonstop loud music, nonstop shouting, nonstop wailing. If you cannot imagine this, that is okay. Knowing that this is a reality for many people is enough. Now remember the beautiful voices and instruments you heard. Remember this now. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of these good, soft, soothing, and beautiful sounds. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the nonstop loud and noxious sounds are receiving your gift of the good, soft, soothing, and beautiful sounds. Notice their smiles as you are bestowing your gift. Let us do it again. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of these good, soft, soothing, and beautiful sounds. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the nonstop loud and noxious sounds are receiving your gift of the good, soft, soothing, and beautiful sounds. Notice their smiles as you are bestowing your gift. Let us do it one more time. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of these good, soft, soothing, and beautiful sounds. As you do this, the individuals who are experiencing the nonstop loud and noxious sounds are receiving your gift of the good, soft, soothing, and beautiful sounds. Notice their smiles as you are bestowing your gift. Feel their gratitude.The image of these people is now fading away. You focus again on your pile of leaves and you look above you at your column of light. Feel its strength and vibrancy. Know that it is your companion.

Our next healing task is to imagine individuals who must eat dry, boring, and tasteless gruel for every meal. Imagine this now. If you cannot imagine this, that is okay. Knowing that this is a reality for many people is enough. Now recall the image of you eating all the delicious food and drinking the tasty drinks. Imagine this now. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of the sensation of tasting something delicious. As you do this, the individuals are receiving your gift and are smiling in gratitude. Let us do it again. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of the sensation of tasting something delicious. As you do this, the individuals are receiving your gift and are smiling in gratitude. Let us do it one last time. Take a deep breath and breathe out all of the sensation of tasting something delicious. As you do this, the individuals are receiving your gift and are smiling in gratitude.
The image of these people is now fading away. Your major healing task of the night is complete. You focus again on your pile of leaves and you look above you at your column of light. Feel its strength and vibrancy. Feel the gratitude of the universe for your hard work.

Know that there is one more task that needs to be done. Stare at your column of light. Now imagine the heads of the Arab countries, Israel, the Palestinian people, Korea, Afghanistan, the United States, and the European countries in one big room. You do not need to imagine each person, just know that they are there. Look at your column of light and then move your eyes to the officials. By looking at your column of light and then moving your eyes to the officials, you are shining light on them. This light is full of compassion, justice, wisdom, and patience. Let us do it again. Look at your column of light and then move your eyes to the officials. Now look at your column of light and imagine the light encircling the planet and then the universe. See how the universe shines in one big glow. Take a deep breath and feel the light shine through you. Finally, do something that is relaxing for you. For example, you may stay on your pile of leaves, go to a healing pool, lie on a beach shore, take a hot bath, or go under your covers in bed. Take a moment to think of something that you would like to do. Now do it. As you are doing it, let your body completely relax. Feel your relaxing experience gently inviting every part of yourself to relax completely, letting the warmth and gratitude of the universe sink into you and flow through you, making you feel warm and relaxed and in full peaceful connection with all that is. When you are ready, open your eyes.

(c) Copyright 2002, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to share this information with others as long as it is shared in its entirety and the copyright information is included.

This healing meditation can be found on Philip Friedman, Ph.D's website on "Integrative Healing" at
http://www.integrativehelp.com or directly at:




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